PRM / The Teknologia 23 event to dive into key technology phenomena

    Pressemeddelelse fra Messukeskus

    The event will highlight important technology topics and phenomena, with the chosen focus areas reflecting key issues for the future.

    “Many global challenges can increasingly be felt in industry. For example, concerns about energy sufficiency are prominent in the minds of individual consumers and in various branches of industry, and technological solutions can play a significant role in tackling these. The green transition, changes in supply chains, and the hydrogen industry are key topics for industrial companies today, which is why it is good that they are also discussed at the Teknologia 23 event”, says Marko Vuorio, executive director of the Finnish Society of Automation.

    The Teknologia 23 event will feature a programme presented on a total of five stages. The event invites both professionals and students as visitors. The Employer of the Future theme day, to be held on the first day of the event, specifically targets students.

    “The shortage of skilled labour in the technology sector is becoming more and more acute, and there is fierce competition for professionals. It is estimated that within a few years, the shortage of skilled labour will increase to 40,000 employees. Next November, exhibitors will have an excellent opportunity to enhance their image as employers and to make an impression with future professionals”, says Marcus Bergström, business manager at Messukeskus.

    The content of the event is being planned with an extensive network of partners. Involved parties include associations from different fields of technology and other communities, such as the Women in Tech network. This year, the event will have a new partner: Mechanical Engineering and Metals Industry Standardization in Finland, METSTA. The event is attracting interest, and all the major organisations in the field have already registered their participation.

    Teknologia 23 will culminate in the Teknologia Party evening event on Wednesday 8 November, featuring the singer Erika Vikman, among others. The full programme for the event will be announced in August.

    Competitions to highlight innovators

    Being held for the third time at the Teknologia event, the Startup Competition seeks the most promising technology companies of today with the potential for growth. Competition entries can be submitted until 31 August 2023. From among the entries, the competition jury will select the 5-7 best ideas or solutions, which will enter a pitch final, to be held at the event. The winner of the competition will receive a €10,000 prize, donated by the Finnish Fair Foundation.

    The Amazing Robots competition, in turn, is targeted at university and university of applied sciences students. Its purpose is to increase the visibility and appeal of information technology, robotics and artificial intelligence. The competition brief is to create a robot that does something interesting, and it is the task of the teams to specify what makes their robot interesting. The winner of this competition will also receive a €10,000 prize.

    Teknologia 23, the leading technology event in the Nordic countries, will be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre from 7 to 9 November 2023., #teknologia23

    Images from previous events at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre for free use by the press:

    More information: Communications Manager Antti Karjunen, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, tel: +358 50 574 3444,


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