Houthi-angreb: Dansk Fregat nedskyder droner

DET RØDE HAV: Natten til lørdag har den danske fregat Iver Huitfeldt, skudt fire droner ned som er affyret af Houthi-bevægelsen oplyser Forsvaret på X.
Besætningen og skibet meldes i god behold.

Den danske fregat deltager i en amerikansk ledet mission for at sikre skibstrafikken igennem Det Røde Hav.

(Arkiv billeder fra Iver Huitfeldt sejllands i Øresund 2020 – 2023)

THE RED SEA: On the night of Saturday, the Danish frigate Iver Huitfeldt shot down four drones that were launched by the Houthi movement, according to the Danish Defense Forces at X.
The crew and the ship are reported safe.

The Danish frigate is participating in an American-led mission to secure shipping through the Red Sea.

(Archive images from Iver Huitfeldt sailing grounds in Øresund 2020 – 2023)